Proudly supporting Dreams2live4

Wallboard Tools is proud to support Dreams2live4, a charity whose mission is to help grant dreams of those suffering with metastatic cancer – or cancer that has spread.

Dreams2live4 was founded by metastatic cancer sufferer, Annie Robinson in 2008 as a program of The Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation. Her personal experience gave her unique insight into the importance of “treating the soul as well as the disease.”

Dreams2live4 empowers patients to dream and find purpose again. It is the only programme of its type in Australia, using 100% of the funds donated to help fulfil the dreams of more than 100 patients a year.

Wallboard Tools became a supporter of Dreams2live4 in late 2016, when a staff member’s relative was diagnosed with bowel cancer and the program was able to help deliver his dream before his sad passing soon after.

Dreamers range from 17 to 97 years old, from all walks of life, with all types of cancer, and they all have their own unique dreams. Helping to fulfil these dreams gives patients and families respite from the chronic pain and torrid treatments while creating special memories which live on and inspire others.

To find out more information about Dreams2live4, to donate, or to see if you can help fulfil a dream, please visit the website by clicking below.

>> Visit the Dreams2live4 website